Our Editorial Team came across these and thought you may find them useful:

HeidiSQL (MySQL, sakila database – relating to Udemy Training Course “SQL for Data Analysis – Weekender Crash Course”)

Sublime Text (text editor where SQL type may be selected)

MS SSMS 2012 (V11.0), V18.5 (latest)

Azure Subscription:
SQL Server to Azure storage, Azure SQL Database setup, stretch database (be very careful of Microsoft’s charging models – costs quickly rack up even with developer credit)

Azure Data Studio

Visual Studio (reporting projects, CLR)

Exposure to PostgreSQL through Datacamp modules (originally from Ingress, so pronounced Postgress Q L)

Exposure to SQLite through Knightlabs SQL Murder Mystery (S Q L ite pronunciation from creator Dr Richard Hipp (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jib2AmRb_rk&feature=youtu.be)) – described as to be used with other SQL types, not instead of them – designed to store local data (near an application), as opposed to whole enterprise)

Cmap Tools (concept mapping): https://cmap.ihmc.us