SeeHear InfoSystems provides a suite of services designed to address all your Dynamics AX reporting requirements
Reporting Infrastructure Consultancy
We can provide guidance to your super-users, management or internal AX team on topics including:
- report navigation and organisation
- report security and roles
- development, training, test and live AX environments
- the difference between a new report version being tested and the AX test environment
- version and release control
- on-premise and cloud-based code management
- subscriptions, the ability for users to create their own, and data-driven subscriptions (dependant on SQL Server Edition)
For example, your AX TEST environment is designed for testing out new business process, or AX customisations. You will often want your familiar “live” reports to be available in the AX TEST environment. Conversely, you will often want to be able to test out new versions of SSRS reports on your AX LIVE data.
Report Design & Development
We listen to how your users want to interact with their AX data. For example, do they want extensive report parameters to get just the report they want, will they mostly preview reports, drill down / through for additional detail, sort the data just so? Will the report ever see a printer? Or will the users export a whole load of data between two dates to Excel and do all their filtering and sorting there?
Each report parameter may increase the time taken for data retrieval. If the parameter is never used to filter the report, that is a waste of user time and computing resources. Choosing the right report parameters is incredibly important and being able to talk practicalities with those at the coal face even more so.
SQL “views” are generally a good thing. They can hide the complexities of the AX data infrastructure from both report designers and PowerBI users and promote code re-use and standardised interpretations of the underlying data. However, they are often a compromise between clarity, ease of use and performance. There is a balance required between maintainability of reports and frustrated users, making view design and use crucial to a responsive reporting solution.
This is where we can help. From a single report written to a specification, through to an entire reporting suite created through understanding your business, working together with your users, management or internal AX team. From tabular reports to management charts, exception reports and external Customer & Vendor documents (Purchase orders, Quotes, Invoices, etc.).
Data Analysis and Trending
SSRS reports can do so much more than output current or historic data. We can take your important KPI data, report on it, but store away that snapshot. For example, Order Book value, Orders not Delivered, Deliveries not Invoiced, On Time Deliveries, Time to Quote, Sales Value by Production Pool, Stock Value, etc., etc. Information that is difficult, or impossible, to recreate historically, can be stored away on a nightly basis, then accessed by management reporting to chart trends over time, year on year comparisons, etc.
Do you need comparisons against target values, or budgets that are not held in Dynamics AX? We can create simple to use applications using .Net tools to allow you to set and maintain those values. In SQL but outside of Dynamics AX, seamlessly available to your reports.
We can help you identify what is possible, and how best to collect and analyse the data.
In short, we do not modify your AX implementation, be it code or data, thus removing any potential conflicts with your AX support procedures.
On-going Support and Maintenance
We will not walk away once the job is done. With many years’ experience of IT Customer Service, we take pride in contented customers. Requirements and business processes change, new focus is required from reporting. You own the reports we create for you, but we own the experience of creating them. Who better to come to when you need something new or updated?