Our Editorial Team came across this and thought you may find it useful:

Expert Skill Is A Choice, Not A Talent

Talent gets you in the game, but it can’t make you an expert.
It takes “deliberate practice” to become an expert.

Professor John W Pelley (Texas Tech University) has an Expert Skills Program which has been tried and tested in areas such as concept mapping for time management and long term memory – skills in effectively making information ‘yours’.

“The important concept to take away regarding both personality type and learning style is that neither are stereotypes nor are they limitations on thinking and that you can only become a powerful thinker if you strengthen what you don’t prefer to do. The Expert Skills Program at this site shows you how to do that.”

Expert Skills Program – SuccessTypes

Ignore that this may seem left field and targeted at medical students – the skills are relevant to anyone in any industry who wishes to be more successful.

Metacognition – A Bridge Over Troubled Waters
Intro to ESP
Growth Mindset
Clinical Skill Areas of the Cortex
Learning Style and Personality Type
Changing Your Brain and Improving Learning
Concept Mapping and Brain Skills
Question Analysis Groups

SuccessTypes in Medical Education, (John Pelley and Bernell Dalley, v.1.1,2008)